You wouldn't think those two things would be on par with one another in terms of inconvenience, but you've never seen an octogenerian ranting and raving in the dining room about having to eat "grass" at every meal (salads) or about not being able to get a second dessert. They can get loud!
So when someone takes it up to that next level, management prints up a flyer or 10 and leaves them in employee-only areas: kitchen, break room, nursing station, and by all employee exits. That way, when the teenage boys from the dish pit are headed out back to smoke, they know that if they hear someone on the other side of the fenced courtyard saying "Open the gate, let me out!" that they shouldn't. For example. Or when the waitstaff sees Mr. Whomever sitting there for an hour waiting for shift change so he can order a second lunch, they need to call an aide (like me) to convince him to move it along and wait until dinner time.
My favorite thing about these flyers is how much they look like Wanted posters at the post office. I like to imagine the "flight risk" residents strolling away from the building in slow motion, with Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive playing in the background. Who says that the "steel horse I ride" can't be a walker or mobility scooter instead of a motorcycle?
Add to that the complete awkwardness of most of the photos used in the flyers, and you end up with something like this:
RESIDENT NAME: Mrs. Ballyhoo
[followed by an awkward photo of said resident, such as this one I found by googling "Grandma"]

DETAILS: Resident has Alzheimer's and is a flight risk. If you see resident unattended, please escort her back to the memory care unit. Under no circumstances should you open a door for this resident.
or something more benign, like:
[another google result for Grandma]

ATTN: Diabetic
DETAILS: Resident is noncompliant with diabetic diet. Offer her the "special" pie and do not say it's sugar free. Resident will stay at table and order multiple lunches. Call nursing staff if this happens. Small portions only.
For whatever reason, these fliers crack me up. Especially when a lot of people have been rebelling and the walls are practically plastered with them. The kitchen always has a lot, saying who needs thickened liquids (ew) and who needs their food mechanically softened. But when the back door to the facility starts getting filled up, you know it's been a long week!
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